Bring In Groceries Sunday: Once a focus on the first Sunday of the month; we now collect non-perishables and household items throughout the month, supporting local organizations.
Women’s Fellowship: We engage with the community and outreach through the Blanket Project, the Baby Shower, Souper Bowl Sunday, Bags of Goodness, Holiday Food Baskets, Father Fred Foundation Back to School Shoe Event, and the Giving Tree. Inside the church we hold funeral luncheons and have fun with the Advent Workshop.
Men’s Fellowship: Opportunity to gather and socialize.
The Christian Education Team works with outreach with Boots for Babies, A Tree with a Purpose, Benzie Senior Resources Walk-a-thon, and Toys for Tots.
We also have a Jail Ministry and strive to support many of our local agencies.
Click images below to view photos from current & past events.